Thursday, March 4, 2010

Eduardo clings to life, intubated, a real fighter against orphan childhood diseases

Eduardo clings to life
It wasn't supposed to be this way
I have not been staying in contact with my Salazar family contact the way I should. It is pretty clear to me, the news is not good. Sometimes it is better to not broach the topic than to bring a flood of pain and sorrow into one's heart.
Eduardo has been battling for his life. He is one tough kid! He has been intubated, if I understand the Spanish explanation. He has been rushed to the hospital. He has suffered like no child should ever suffer.
The Salazar family has given up their dream of getting Eduardo modern medical care. They were never convinced there was anything to modern medicine anyway. They still fight to feed the kids, pay the bills and take care of a very sick child.
Hence, we continue asking for donations for the family. They are noble, maybe too proud to speak out for themselves. Those who have been care takers know, it takes a lot of money to take care of the sick person. Meanwhile, the brothers and sisters take back seat. There is never enough when you make less than $400 a month.
Please send donations to:
Tim Paynter
Attorney at Law
120 South Kalamath St.
Denver, CO. 80223
The problems Blake Robbins is facing, and the problems of Pensylvania school spycams in the LMSD community, pales in comparason to this kid's problems. It puts it all in perspective. It is still an interesting story,

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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Guarded improvement Happy New Year

Eduardo beats odds

Child with Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
(HLH syndrome) survives
I spoke to a representative for the Salazar family yesterday. Eduardo is recovering from a childhood disease called Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis *HLH Syndrome*. Most children are lucky to make it two months with out almost immediate treatment. Eduardo's treatment was slow to come, but he is still with us.
I was very relieved to hear that Eduardo is stable. He may even be doing better. They put him through the ringer in El Hospital General in Durango, Mexico. A good portion of his bowel has been removed in a desperate attempt to stop hemorrhaging. This little 12 year old fought with everything he had. Maybe he will be a soccer star after all!
Family and friends are gathered 'round. Gratitude is huge, a belief and tremendous faith has left the Salazar-Rivera family with their young Eduardo. There is also the issue of herbal medicine. Maria Salazar Rivera is working with the doctors in coordinating traditional herbal medicine with modern pharmaceutical treatments when the Mexican health care system can scare them up.
The Salazars still need your help and support. They are struggling under a tremendous burden of taking care of a very sick child and keeping food on the table for brothers and sisters. If things do not change, some of the brothers and sisters will likely go hungry from time to time. It is part of life in Villa Union where jobs are scarce and the pay is marginal.
We remain disappointed we were unable to attract the attention of the Latino press on this story. The plight of Mexican nationals who live in Mexico is compelling. This is a global world we live in and without each other, we have nothing. Those we help today will likely help us tomorrow. We could not seem to make that case to the Piolin por La Manana group, or to any sponsor for that matter.
One must be grateful for what we have. Tonight, we have Eduardo. It is not enough because this young child of Mexico will need treatment for some time to come. It is not enough because there are a lot of 'Eduardo's' out there who need help. It will never be enough until we can find a way to help those who have been lost and forgotten by a world based upon greed and corruption and power.
Happy new year to all of you who have supported us. Please join our email or hit the site feed and follow us. Don't be afraid to send a donation if you have an extra buck or two. And if you don't, we ask you keep Eduardo in your prayers, just as we keep all who suffer in ours!
Dios te bendiga
Uncle Tim