Thursday, March 4, 2010

Eduardo clings to life, intubated, a real fighter against orphan childhood diseases

Eduardo clings to life
It wasn't supposed to be this way
I have not been staying in contact with my Salazar family contact the way I should. It is pretty clear to me, the news is not good. Sometimes it is better to not broach the topic than to bring a flood of pain and sorrow into one's heart.
Eduardo has been battling for his life. He is one tough kid! He has been intubated, if I understand the Spanish explanation. He has been rushed to the hospital. He has suffered like no child should ever suffer.
The Salazar family has given up their dream of getting Eduardo modern medical care. They were never convinced there was anything to modern medicine anyway. They still fight to feed the kids, pay the bills and take care of a very sick child.
Hence, we continue asking for donations for the family. They are noble, maybe too proud to speak out for themselves. Those who have been care takers know, it takes a lot of money to take care of the sick person. Meanwhile, the brothers and sisters take back seat. There is never enough when you make less than $400 a month.
Please send donations to:
Tim Paynter
Attorney at Law
120 South Kalamath St.
Denver, CO. 80223
The problems Blake Robbins is facing, and the problems of Pensylvania school spycams in the LMSD community, pales in comparason to this kid's problems. It puts it all in perspective. It is still an interesting story,

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