Saturday, November 21, 2009

Don't Worry Be Positive!

Don't worry, be positive!
This has been a tough week for Eduardo Salazar Rivera who lies in the General Hospital in Durango, Mexico, fighting for his life.
Eduardo has a rare disease called HLH which afflicts mostly children. Survival rates are marginal unless treatment is begun quickly. Even then, we lose way too many little ones.

Eduardo has finished his course of five days of Gamma Globulin, an immune drug designed to help him ward off the cancer-like illness he has been fighting. If he is really lucky he will make a full recovery, the illness will go into remission, and he won't need the next treatment...chemotherapy likely followed by a bone marrow transplant.

If Eduardo is not lucky he is going to be really Unlucky. A lot of people with hearts of gold have been beating their heads against the wall trying to figure out how to get Eduardo the next phase of treatment if he needs it. There won't be a lot of time to figure it out. As things stand now, the $500,000 needed is so far out of the reach of everyone I know that is is not an option for Eduardo.

I have spent a lot of time being worried this week and not very positive. Watching a broken health care system, both in the US and in Mexico work, or better said, not work, has been frustrating. The cost of taking care of young lives is so high the solution society has worked out for us is to toss these little people aside as if they don't count.

Every child has the right to live.

So that leaves me with few options. Let go, let god. Accept the things I cannot change. Pray that God's will and my will are the same, and be prepared to accept God's will if they are not.

Don't worry. Eduardo, Be positive~

God speed, God Bless!

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