Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gamma Globlulin Helping -- Money is Short Family In Crisis

The response for help with Eduardo Salazar, a victim of HLH, a rare childhood disease has been slow. For whatever reason we have been unable to capture the hearts of the Amercian people for a bright little boy fighting for his life in Mexico.

The good news is Eduardo is responding to the Gamuglobulin. The results are encouraging but because he has an underlying disease which is a derivitive of the Epstein Barr Virus, as we understand it, experts in HLH recommend a more aggressive therapy regimen. That will be very expensive.

The first $400 needed for his treatment was easily raised. With each passing day getting the $400 together is increasingly difficult. We would like to help his family out as well. They are wonderful people trying to care for a terribly sick child while putting food on the table for the rest of the children.

We are hoping to bring Eduardo to the US where he can get more advanced care. That is an expensive proposition, and requires some expertise we may not have. Getting through immigration is never easy. I am sure it can be done but it must be done quickly in Eduardo's case.

If your heart goes out to this little kid who one day wants to be a soccer star then send me an email. We need money, of course. We also need volunteers to bring the message to other compasionate people, to help us with Eduardo, and to say a little kid in a far away place counts, too.

Funds may be sent to: Eduardo Salazar Rivera, c/o Tim Paynter, 120 South Kalamath St. Denver, CO., 80223.
Are you willing to volunteer? Send us a note telling us what you can do! Eduardo would love to hear from you as well, if you can't speak Spanish we will have it translated! - translates to Eduardo in life.

The follwing is a picture of the chapel glass and words of inspiration at the Children't Hospital in Denver where we hope to bring Eduardo.
Spirituality is a pathway to meaning, hope and inner peace. e

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